What is a Guest Registration?

Guest Registration is basically a recording of the rental guest’s information for official purposes made during the check-in of the guest at the front office of any accommodation during their travel. 

Registration is mandatory for all guests, whether they have reserved accommodation or are walk-ins. During registration, guests must provide essential information including their: 

  • Full name
  • Email contact
  • National ID (for Spanish citizens) or passport (for EU citizens). 

It is the travellers accommodation providers’ responsibility to safeguard guest information and not disclose it to unauthorised individuals.

Guest Registration law for hosts in Spain

According to the Spanish Royal Decree 933/2021, all hosts in Spain are required to register their guests to guarantee citizen security. This includes vacation rentals, bed and breakfast, camping sites, hostels, and hotels.

The reglamentation of the law mandates that all travellers regardless of age must be registered by completing and signing a form known as the traveller’s part (parte de Entrada). In the case of persons under 14 years old, their information will be provided by the adult person with whom they are accompanied. 

After that the registration must be sent by the hosts and vacation property owners and managers to the competent authorities in a lapse of 24 hours within the guest arrival.

Register a Guest in Spain

Previously, there was only one single dispatch of the travellers’ report, which was sent to the different security forces such as “Hospederías de la Guardia Civil” and “Policía Nacional”(National Police), depending on the autonomous community. Under the new regulations, two submissions are required and both will be sent directly to the Ministry of the Interior (Ministerio del Interior).

In contrast, the new standard requires two different information submissions taking into account two different moments of a booking. These are:

  • The first is the date on which the booking is confirmed by the host.
  • The second is when the client checks-in to the accommodation.

Guest Registration Platform – Ministry of the Interior

The Ministry of the Interior has set up a platform in its Sede Electrónica to facilitate the registration of documents and the information to be provided by private hosts and property managers who carry out accommodation activities.

To access the registration process, users must have a digital certificate or be registered in cl@ve, and once the corresponding form has been completed, all the data necessary to operate in the application will be obtained.

Note: Cl@ve is an electronic identity verification platform for the secure identification and authentication of citizens in their dealings with Public Administrations. In this case it is relevant for rental hosts and property managers.

Spanish Ministry or the Interior page for Guest registrations by hosts

Spanish Ministry or the Interior page for Guest registrations by hosts

Automate Guests Registration with Your.Rentals

With Your.Rentals you can facilitate the guest registration process without delay ensuring privacy of information and legal compliance with the relevant authorities.

If you would like to know more about it, you can read the Guest Registrations for Host guide which describes the functionalities and processes built into Your.Rentals to facilitate guest registration. 

If you already have an account with Your.Rentals and you are wondering how to connect it with the Spanish Ministry of Interior, you can read the article about Guest Data Transmission where we explain how to do it step by step. 

Guest Registrations in Spain – a Hosts guide

Guest Data Transmission 

spanish guest registration on your.rentals

Easy Guest registration in Span using Your.Rentals

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How to register your vacation property with the Interior Ministry 

To be able to register your guests information through the online platforms, first you will need to register your vacation property providing mandatory information. 

Here we will introduce you to a list of information that you will need to gather. 

Details of the property owner

  • Full name
  • Gender – male/female
  • Identity number
  • Type of document (DNI, Passport or TIE)
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Property details

  • Full address
  • Post code
  • City
  • Country
  • Number of rooms
  • Internet connection (yes/no)

Travellers Report

The travellers report also known as the “registration sheet for travellers” (hojas de registro de viajeros) or “travellers file” (expediente de viajeros) holds a significant importance.

It is mandatory to maintain all travellers reports for a period of at least 3 years in the traveller record book. The book’s format should be digital and consist of a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 500 sheets.

According to the recent regulations, hosts are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the provided data.

Guest Registration – information required from the guest

If you’re planning a trip to Spain as a guest and want to know what information you’ll need to provide when checking in to your accommodation, follow our comprehensive guide on guest registration in Spain. 

There we answer whether guests need to provide their personal details, how they are used and the measures that will be taken to provide for the protection of their privacy.

Guest registration – FAQ for guests


Penalties for Hosts who do not report guest forms

The hosts are responsible for the accuracy of the data provided by the guests and must create an electronic register with the collected data for a period of three years from the end of the service.

As it is an obligation to submit guest information to the Spanish Ministry of Interior, it is important to do so on time. In the event that a host chooses not to submit it, the consequences of not registering guests and not reporting them to the authorities could result in significant sanctions, penalties and fines.


As we mentioned before it is important to remember to report your Guest registration form to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior to ensure the compliance of the Royal Decree 233/21 for hosts and property managers.

Some importance key points to consider when doing so:

  • Each guest record must be kept for at least 3 years.
  • You must register a guest through the Spanish Ministry of the Interior platform.
  • You must submit two distincts informations considering the different moments of a booking.
  • The Guest registration form (Parte de Entrada) must be submitted within 24 hours of the guest check-in.

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