
Secure your short-term rental with confidence

Dealing with various channels and direct bookings can make collecting guest security deposits time-consuming. Simplify your booking process and save money by having Your.Rentals handle security deposits.
Security deposits

Simplify your booking operations

Bid farewell to the hassle of managing security deposits from guests.
Your.Cover simplifies operations, reducing risks and enhancing the guest experience.

Applies to all bookings

Your.Cover applies to any booking processed via Your.Rentals – whether by a connected channel (such as Airbnb, or Vrbo) or a direct booking.

Easy to set-up and claim

Simply set your security deposit amount in our listing builder, and in the case of a valid claim against the security deposit we’ll guarantee up to €2,000.

Nothing extra to pay

There is no insurance premium or extra charge – Your.Cover is included in our Service fee. Yet another reason to centralise all of your bookings into Your.Rentals.


Feel free to explore the most common answers to frequently asked questions about Your.Cover.

Does Your.Cover apply to bookings via iCal Sync?

Your.Cover applies to bookings where the payment is processed via Your.Rentals. This includes any Channel booking via Your.Rentals or Direct bookings made via Your.Rentals. Bookings that enter the Your.Rentals calendar via iCal Sync or manual bookings are not covered by Your.Cover as Your.Rentals is not managing the payment for those bookings.

How do I make a claim?

In the rare event that you need to make a claim, you should take photos of any damage which forms the basis for your claim. From the Booking details page of the relevant booking, click the “Report a problem” button within 48 hours of the check-out time. Provide the information requested, and our claims team will be in contact with you.

Still have questions?

If you still have doubts about our your.cover do not hesitate to chat or contact us by clicking the button.

How do I set up Your.Cover?

In the builder for each of your listings, on the “Extras and services” step, check the box “I require a security deposit” and enter the amount you require as a deposit. For any subsequent booking via Your.Rentals, Your.Cover will be automatically applied.

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