Here is the list of the short-term rentals offline events in 2024 that you won’t want to miss. From conferences, summits and marketplaces there is something for everyone! It’s a great chance to explore the latest vacation rental market insights and make important contacts. Our events calendar is broken down by Europe, the US and the rest of the world. Let’s dive in!


Short-term rental events in Europe 2024


FITUR International Tourism Trade Fair

FITUR International Tourism Trade Fair 2022


recharge short term rental event 2022


ShortStay Conference


The Shortyz Awards

The Shortyz Awards 2022 short term rental event

Short Stay Summit

short stay summit event


VITUR Summit

VITUR Summit vacation rentals event

The Short Stay Week

Book Direct Show 2024

  • Date: May 16
  • Location: Barcelona, Spain
  • Entry fee: 79-299
Book Direct Show USA 2022

Eco Resort Network


The Glamping Show UK

The Glamping Show UK 2022


Vacation Rental World Summit 2024

Vacation Rental World Summit 2022

Scale Rentals Italia

Scale Rentals Italia event


Scale Rentals France

Vacation rental events in the USA 2024


IMN Short Term Rental Winter Forum


Short Term Rental Wealth Conference

Short Term Rental Wealth Conference usa


VRMA Spring Forum

  • Date: April 15-16
  • Location: New Orleans, LA, USA
  • Entry fee: from $550
VRMA Spring Forum usa


VRMA Executive Summit

  • Date: May 29 – 31
  • Location: Boca Raton, Florida, USA


IMN Short Term Rental Summer Forum

  • Date: June 24-25
  • Location: Austin, TX, US
  • Entry fee: $795
IMN Short Term Rental Summer Forum


The Glamping Show USA

  • Date: October 1 – 2
  • Location: Aurora, Colorado, USA
  • Entry fee: from $199

VRMA International Conference 2024

  • Date: October 14 – 17
  • Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  • Entry fee: to be announced
VRMA International Conference 2022 las vegas

Short-term rental events and conferences around the World 2024


Event: Vitrina Turística ANATO

Vitrina Turística ANATO vacation rentals expo


ExpoRV Urban CDMX 2024

  • Date: June 28
  • Location: Mexico, Mexico City
  • Entry fee: $1900
ExpoRV Urban CDMX

Maximum Occupancy

Maximum Occupancy conference new zeland


No Vacancy

  • Date: September 18-19
  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Entry fee: to be announced
No Vacancy australia short term rentals event

The essence of short-term rental events

Short-term rental events and conferences offer a perfect opportunity for you to meet and learn from investors, property managers, and other professionals from the vacation rental industry. These events usually offer presentations held by top-notch professionals on a variety of topics regarding the short-term rental industry.

Along with workshops, peer discussions, and so much more. As an investor, property manager, or owner, you can truly benefit from attending events like these.

Who attends vacation rental events?

Most of the events welcome everyone who belongs to the short-term rental industry. Such as part-time or full-time hosts, property managers, property owners, investors, and property management companies.

There are a few events that offer presentations, workshops, and discussions specifically to companies that manage at least a certain number of properties. Other events invite investors and property management companies intending to mix and match.

Why should I visit a vacation rental event in 2024?

1. Acquire more knowledge of the hospitality industry

Vacation rental conferences provide you with the opportunity to learn from world-class professionals about the short-term rental business. Valuable data and statistics regarding the industry will be presented to you right from the best.

Through group discussions, you may find an answer or solution to something you have been struggling with. You will meet specialists and veterans of the industry who will share with you their experiences, and opinions on trending issues within the business. You will get tips on a variety of topics such as managing, analysing, and hosting strategies.

Some events include fun activities, like guided tours in the hosting city such as Recharge in Lisbon, so you can also relax while learning about the industry from its finest.

2. Extend your network

Short-term rental conferences are the best way to meet your peers and discuss industry-related topics with like-minded people. You may even find a new business partner, so make sure to have some spare business cards with you to trade!

At Your.Rentals we are developing the practice of country-specific online round tables where advanced property managers share their knowledge with beginners. If you prefer not to be responsible for the management of your rental properties, it is possible to find a professional host who will gladly take on that task. Stay in the loop by signing up to Your.Rentals account!

Choosing the best vacation rentals conference

Before you commit to any event, it’s essential to consider several factors – most notably, the cost of participation.


Most of these events require you to pay an entry fee, which can vary depending on which conference you chose to take part in. The costs can range from a few dollars/euros/pounds to a couple of hundreds or even thousands.

In our list of events we added the fees of the events where it was available. Most of the conferences offer early bird tickets that will expire around the end of January or the beginning of February. If you are quick, you can still get one of the discounted tickets!

Extra costs

If you are planning on attending an international short-term rental event, your expenses will be more than just the entry fees. From transportation costs to accommodation and meals, there are necessary investments required to ensure a successful trip abroad.

Location and niche

Do not forget to check the schedule and programs of your chosen event. Some events offer programs only in the official language of the hosting country. They may provide on-site translation, but before buying your pass, check out the related info on the event’s website.
The topics covered by each conference can differ depending on where it is located. Make sure the event you pick is relevant to your niche.

Expected short-term rental topics in 2024

The topics discussed in 2024 will focus on the ever-evolving rules, regulations and trends surrounding vacation rentals. You can expect to hear insights from industry leaders about compliance, OTA updates, country specific guest taxes, digital marketing strategies and more.

Many of the conferences offer valuable information regarding the whole industry, no matter what sector you are in. Others, such as The Glamping Show, focus specifically on one niche – glamping tourism.

We anticipate that a significant portion of the events will be devoted to discussing how technology is revolutionizing vacation rental operations, from reservation management to automation and AI-driven solutions.

Definitely, there will be variations depending on the country’s market; thus, if you are curious about operations and insights, say in Mexico, it is essential that you search for an event situated in this region.

If you cannot attend in person

If you’re unable to attend an event in person, participating online could be your next best option. Some organizers, like VRMA, are offering this package. Don’t miss out – find the dates and availability on their websites.
Some events upload the presentation slides to their website and make them accessible to the general public after the event is over. Keep an eye out for them as well!


Attending a short-term rental event is an excellent way to get up to speed with the latest industry trends and knowledge. With so many events taking place around the world, take the one that’s close to you or the one in your target market.

Consider factors such as cost, dates, topics covered, and availability of online participation before committing anything.

Attending conferences is a fantastic way to gain knowledge and insights that will propel you forward as an expert in the vacation rental industry. We hope this article has been helpful in guiding your decision process!